Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Fresher's Ice-breaking event

Feeling homesick already? Need some Bruneian companion? COME! Get to know others as well!

1. Since it's our first month here in Keele, this will be a POTLUCK event. You are welcome to bring or cook whatever your heart desires. Just let us know what you're planning to bring to the event.

2. There will be GAMES during the event and PRESENTS will be given to those who won.

3. Dress code: CASUAL

4. Place: TBC

Freshers are encourage to come. We want to get to know you more ;) See ya there!

For more information, please visit our facebook group: BruKeele

Friday, 6 July 2012

Results are OUT!! Fill in that ASF-2 a.s.a.p.!!


As some of you have been informed, results are out for first year and second year. Congratulations to those who have passed the exams!! :D To those who didn't do well, don't lose hope, Allah knows the best for you, insya-Allah. Other than that, we would like to remind everyone who is under the MoE scholarship or any scholarship, please fill in the ASF2-2012 ( a.s.a.p. Please note that you NEED to get your G.P. Address if you haven't done so. Kalau lambat, allowance pun lambat masuk and you don't want that to happen. That's all for now. Have a great holiday!

-BruKeele Committee-

Thursday, 10 May 2012

BruKeele Solat Hajat+Tahlil and Photoshoot


BruKeele recently held solat hajat for the upcoming exams as well as tahlil. Here are some photos of the solat hajat+tahlil event that was led by BruKeele's religious secretary, 'Izzuddin. On the side note, there was also solat hajat for the third years at the end of April led by the BruKeele's president.


BruKeele also held a photoshoot session with the BruKeele society at Keele Hall. Even though not many attended the event due to busy with revisions and reports due, we would like to thank for those who came and made the photoshoot session a successful one; we also manage to get more of group photos in different locations. Here are some of the pictures:-

Credits for these photos goes to (from left to right) Mahyu, Daayat, Ain and Farhan
                                   Last but not least, good luck to everyone and some duas/supplications for the exams in the dua/supplications section!

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

BruKeele BBQ 2012

Assalamualaikum guys. We know you're working your guts out for exams, final year and revisions. So, let's take a break and just take a day or two from all the tension.

Maritah barbecue!

Venue: Barnes (in between Pig and Rat and the Social Space)

Time: 1:30pm - 7pm

Date: 25th April 2012,Wednesday

So get your sunglasses out and ready to rumble!

1:30 - 2:00 : Arrival of BK members
2 - 2:10 : Opening the event; Zudin Mahli
2:10 - 4:00 : Games and activities
4:00 : Makan-makan
7:00 : Bersurai

P.S. There is a chance of a slight shower according to the weather forecast. The barbecue however should go as planned insyaAllah, with the possibility of minor time changes in the aturcara depending on the weather that day. Thank you!


BruKeele Committee 2012/2013

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Daylight Saving Time

Please be aware to "turn forward ONE HOUR" later when the local time strikes 1am on 25th March 2012. All the best with the assignments, tests, reports and dissertations. Thank you and have a great weekend.

BruKeele Committee 2012/2013

Friday, 16 March 2012

Upacara Khatam Al-Quran Sesi 2012


Kami ingin menjemput saudara saudari sekalian untuk menghadiri upacara Khatam Al-Quran Sesi 2012 pada 18 Mac 2012 (Ahad).

Tempat: Exhibition Suite, CBA
Jam: 10 pagi
Pakaian: Baju Cara Melayu & Baju Kurung / Formal

Digalakkan hadir untuk memeriahkan lagi upacara ini dan memberi sokongan kepada persatuan BruKeele. Acara ini akan dihadiri oleh pihak UPP. Sehubungan itu, diminta kerjasama hadirin menjayakan upacara ini.

Aturcara majlis:
10:00 - 11:30 : Kehadiran para peserta Khatam & penuntut BruKeele (yang gorjas and handsome!)
11:30 - 12.00 : Dijangka kedatangan pihak UPP
12.00 : Acara dimulakan; Solat Zuhur Jemaah, jamuan, bergambar ramai dengan UPP lapastu MULIIHHHH! ;) (woop woop!)

T e r i m a K a s i h :D

BruKeele Committee 2012-2013

Monday, 23 January 2012

BruWick Debate Competition 2012

More info can be found here:

Sorry for the late update..However the deadline is by 6PM on Wednesday, 25th January 2012.
Anybody interested do check their blog as soon as possbile.