Persatuan Brukeele ditubuhkan berasaskan dengan peningkatan yang tinggi dalam bilangan penuntut-penuntut Brunei yang belajar di Keele Universiti. Bilangan penuntut-penuntut Brukeele telah mencecah 110 orang di setiap tahun akademik untuk enam tahun yang lalu. Persatuan ini berfungsi dengan secara demokratik dimana setiap ahli digalakkan untuk menyertai dalam menentukan keputusan-keputusan yang utama seperti mengambil bahagian dalam pengundian bagi jawatankuasa baru dan lain-lain. Di setiap tahun akademik, terdapat sepuluh jawatan di dalam persatuan ini yang terdiri daripada Presiden, Naib Presiden, Ketua Setiausaha, Pegawai Kewangan, Penyelaras Acara lelaki dan perempuan, Pegawai Ugama lelaki dan perempuan, Pegawai Perhubungan Awam lelaki dan perempuan, dan Pegawai IT.
Jawatankuasa Brukeele setakat ini telah pun dapat menguruskan aktiviti-aktiviti sosial dan pada yang sama menjaga aktiviti-aktiviti yang berteraskan keagamaan dan tradisi Negara Brunei seperti Maulud Nabi dan Khatam Al-quran. Jawatankuasa juga berharap dengan adanya aktiviti-aktiviti ini, boleh menolong dalam mengurangkan kerinduan penuntut pada kampung halaman terutamanya kepada penuntut-penuntut baru.
Sejarah Brukeele berterusan hingga kini dimana persatuan ini dikenali dengan gambaran kesepaduan sesama ahli sepertimana yang digambarkan dalam logo terbaru BruKeele yang diperbaharui pada tahun 2012. Bunga Simpur, yang terdapat di logo dan diperolehi dari jawatankuasa dan ahli, digunakan sebagai metafora bagi menyampaikan mesej kesepaduan seperti yang diterangkan di atas.
The Brukeele Society is built on the basis of the gradual increase in the number of Bruneian students studying at Keele. Over the past six years, Brukeele has risen to a staggering of some 110 students in each academic year. The society works democratically whereby members are encouraged to participate in major decisions such as the right to partake in votings etc. There are about ten committee members in every academic year consisting posts as President, Vice President, General Secretary, Financial Officer, Event Coordinator (Male & Female), Religious Officer (Male & Female), Public Relations Officer (Male& Female) and IT Officer.
Brukeele committees has insofar continuously managed to generate social activities whilst also keeping traditional and religious activities intact such as Maulud Nabi and Khatam Al-Quran. The committees hope that events and activities as such can aid in diminishing homesickness for the some 110 students especially to the newcomers. Instilling a sense of belonging upon arrival to Keele and making the members feel welcome is vital to the committees .
The history of Brukeele goes a long way and is formally known to portray a sense of unity as depicted in the 2012 newly improvised logo. The logo, with the 'Bunga Simpur' used as a metaphor as a representation of unity was derived not only from the committees but also by the inclusion of members. As aforementioned, the inclusion of members in the decision-making process ( for major issues) is firmly believed to be one of Brukeele's best approach for the betterment of the Brukeele Society especially now, with the increasing number of students.
Brukeele was formed during the 2009-2010 academic year.
Currently there are more than 70 Bruneians in Keele Uni.
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