Saturday, 3 October 2015

BruKeele Icebreaking session 2015-2016


Alhamdulillah, on October 3rd 2015, the BruKeele Society held its annual IceBreaking event to introduce the new Bru-Keelites to our society.

Many new and existing BruKeele members, attended the event where we held a number of games to get to know one-another better. 

Here is a glimpse of this year's BruKeele IceBreaking event, which took place at Barnes' Social Space, Islamic Centre and the Sports Centre:

Friday, 4 September 2015

BruKeele Meet & Greet with Freshers

Assalamu'alaikum & hello everyone 

Meet & Greet Event with Freshers was held on the 4th of September 2015 at Tarindak d'seni, Pusat Kesenian dan Pertukangan Tangan.

This event is held annually and it is great event where the freshers do come together and meet other people in the society. Moreover, they can ask questions that they are still unsure of prior flying to Keele.

Saturday, 30 May 2015

BruKeele Annual BBQ and Leavers Appreciation event


BruKeele Annual BBQ day was held in conjunction with leavers appreciation event. 

Barnes Social Space on 30th May 2015, was filled with fun activities rewarded with delicious food. 

We've encouraged everyone to come along, especially those who are leaving us this year, as it is the last and final day for our seniors that are leaving us to spend their time with other fellow BruKeele-ians. 

All the best for the Seniors

Thank You :)