Monday, 12 December 2011
Saturday, 26 November 2011
Selamat Tahun Baru Hijrah!!
BruKeele would like to say, Selamat Tahun Baru Hijrah yang ke-1433 to everyone whether you're in Brunei or in UK.
Faedah membaca doa Akhir Tahun: Sesiapa yang membaca doa ini, berkatalah syaitan, "kesusahan bagiku dan sia-sialah pekerjaanku mengoda anak Adam pada tahun ini dan Allah binasakan aku satu saat jua." Dengan sebab membaca doa ini, Allah ampunkan dosanya setahun.
Faedah membaca doa Awal Tahun: Sesiapa yang membaca doa ini, syaitan berkata, "telah amanlah anak Adam ini daripada godaanku pada tahun ini kerana Allah telah mewakilkan dua malaikat memeliharanya daripada fitnah syaitan."
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Brukeele's Takbir Hari Raya 'Aidil Adha 2011
Saturday, 29 October 2011
Assalamu'alaikum. Disini, ada dua pengumuman mengenai Hari Raya 'Aidil Adha yang insya-Allah akan diadakan pada 10 Zulhijjah 1432 bersamaan 6hb November 2011:-
"Kepada Semua Pelajar-Pelajar United Kingdom,
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dengan hormat sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa Komiti Keugamaan Suruhanjaya Tinggi Negara Brunei Darussalam di London akan mengadakan Majlis Ibadah Korban dan Aqiqah sempena sambutan Hari Raya `Aidil Adha 1432H/2011M.
Sehubungan dengan itu, bagi sesiapa yang ingin ikut serta dalam Ibadah Korban dan Aqiqah bolehlah mengisikan borang dan menyerahkan kembali kepada Setiausaha KKSJT tidak lewat 7 Zulhijjah 1432H bersamaan 3hb November 2011M.
Semoga dengan niat ikhlas dan ibadah yang dikerjakan akan mendapat limpahan berkat dan rahmat sebanyak-banyaknya dari Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala, Amin.
Firman Allah s.w.t (Surah Saba’ ayat 39)
“Katakanlah wahai Muhammad, sesungguhnya Tuhan ku memewahkan rezeki bagi sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya di antara hamba-hambaNya dan Dia juga menyempitkan baginya, dan apa sahaja yang kamu dermakan maka Allah akan menggantikannya, dan Dialah juga sebaik-baik pemberi rezeki”.
Kepada sesiapa yang ingin mengikut takbir Hari Raya 'Aidil Adha, dipersilakan untuk menghadirkan diri pada hari Sabtu, 5hb November 2011, waktu 6:15 malam di surau Keele. Insya-Allah kita akan berjemaah solat Maghrib dan seterusnya bertakbir.
Sekian, harap maklum.
"Kepada Semua Pelajar-Pelajar United Kingdom,
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dengan hormat sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa Komiti Keugamaan Suruhanjaya Tinggi Negara Brunei Darussalam di London akan mengadakan Majlis Ibadah Korban dan Aqiqah sempena sambutan Hari Raya `Aidil Adha 1432H/2011M.
Sehubungan dengan itu, bagi sesiapa yang ingin ikut serta dalam Ibadah Korban dan Aqiqah bolehlah mengisikan borang dan menyerahkan kembali kepada Setiausaha KKSJT tidak lewat 7 Zulhijjah 1432H bersamaan 3hb November 2011M.
Semoga dengan niat ikhlas dan ibadah yang dikerjakan akan mendapat limpahan berkat dan rahmat sebanyak-banyaknya dari Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala, Amin.
Firman Allah s.w.t (Surah Saba’ ayat 39)
“Katakanlah wahai Muhammad, sesungguhnya Tuhan ku memewahkan rezeki bagi sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya di antara hamba-hambaNya dan Dia juga menyempitkan baginya, dan apa sahaja yang kamu dermakan maka Allah akan menggantikannya, dan Dialah juga sebaik-baik pemberi rezeki”.
Kepada sesiapa yang ingin mengikut takbir Hari Raya 'Aidil Adha, dipersilakan untuk menghadirkan diri pada hari Sabtu, 5hb November 2011, waktu 6:15 malam di surau Keele. Insya-Allah kita akan berjemaah solat Maghrib dan seterusnya bertakbir.
Sekian, harap maklum.
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Buffet Reception for all Bruneians in Keele.
Dear all,
Mr Rama Thirunamachandran, the Deputy Vice Chancellor is hosting a buffet reception for all our Bruneian students on Thursday 3 November and we would be delighted if you could attend. The event will be held in Keele Hall from 18.00 - 20.00.
Mr Delon Hon will be attending together with three visitors from Brunei Students Unit, in London:
Ms. Hajah Azizan DP HJ OTHMAN - Asst Director of Studies
Mr. Khalid HJ SULAIMAN - Academic Coordinator
Ms. Kamaliah HJ ABDUL RAHMAN - Welfare Officer
RSVP as soon as possible. The latest you could rsvp is on October 30th.
Attire: Formal.
Mr Rama Thirunamachandran, the Deputy Vice Chancellor is hosting a buffet reception for all our Bruneian students on Thursday 3 November and we would be delighted if you could attend. The event will be held in Keele Hall from 18.00 - 20.00.
Mr Delon Hon will be attending together with three visitors from Brunei Students Unit, in London:
Ms. Hajah Azizan DP HJ OTHMAN - Asst Director of Studies
Mr. Khalid HJ SULAIMAN - Academic Coordinator
Ms. Kamaliah HJ ABDUL RAHMAN - Welfare Officer
RSVP as soon as possible. The latest you could rsvp is on October 30th.
Attire: Formal.
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Ice Breaking activity
Hi there all new and existing members of Brukeele.
Please be informed that there will be an Ice breaking event for Brukeele this saturday (8th October). The venue will be at Chancellor's building from 7 pm till late.
It's a once a year event where all Bruneian in Keele gather and get to know each other. There are like 100+ people this year so please do come to this event and make this a success.
Check this facebook event for more info.
P.S : we might take attendance~~~=) so please come... We all know who you guys are because JamesHon told us.
Please be informed that there will be an Ice breaking event for Brukeele this saturday (8th October). The venue will be at Chancellor's building from 7 pm till late.
It's a once a year event where all Bruneian in Keele gather and get to know each other. There are like 100+ people this year so please do come to this event and make this a success.
Check this facebook event for more info.
P.S : we might take attendance~~~=) so please come... We all know who you guys are because JamesHon told us.
Sunday, 25 September 2011
Brukeele wishes everyone a huge welcome back to Keele and to all freshers~
The Autumn semester starts this monday on the 26th september 2012. Some people start late and while others start early. Brukeele wishes you good luck and enjoy your study in Keele. If you need help with anything, don't hesitate to approach us seniors here in keele or drop a wall/comment on our facebook page. And do check our page or this blog for any activities going on in Brukeele.
The Autumn semester starts this monday on the 26th september 2012. Some people start late and while others start early. Brukeele wishes you good luck and enjoy your study in Keele. If you need help with anything, don't hesitate to approach us seniors here in keele or drop a wall/comment on our facebook page. And do check our page or this blog for any activities going on in Brukeele.
Monday, 22 August 2011
Assalamu'alaikum and hello everyone. We have two announcements to make, the first one is that we will be having the BruKeele's sungkai, meet & greet (details below):
Date: 27th August 2011, Saturday
Venue: Rang Mahal, Batu Satu (same row as Lai Lai shoe department store near charcoal; it will be on the first floor).
Time: 5.30 pm - 8.30pm
Please don't hesitate to contact any executives if you have any problems.
Secondly, please take note that the coach services from London to Keele will most probably be on the 21st September.
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Re-registration ASAP!!
Calling all Brukeele who are still continuing to study , please check your keelemail or Evision ASAP for Re-registration. Failure to re-register will result in your course being withdrawn from you.
Extra info from my webmail :
Extra info from my webmail :
PLEASE NOTE - Even if you have finished studying, or expect to finish studying, on
your course before 31 July 2011, you still need to re-register since your award has
not yet been finalised and/or confirmed by the University's Senate.
Thursday, 7 July 2011
Sunday, 19 June 2011
This goes to the new BruKeele members and executives:
Assalamualaikum and Hello All,
I would like to announce that Brunei Students' Union in United Kingdom and Eire will be organising the First Brunei Students Societies Forum this summer, in collaboration with the Scholarship Unit, Ministry of Education.
The forum will be a two day event, and will be attended by Ministry of Education officers, BSUnion members, Bruneian Student Societies representatives from United Kingdom and Ireland, as well as expected attendance from Brunei Students Societies members from Egypt, Australia, New Zealand and local higher institutions (Universiti Brunei Darussalam and Institut Teknologi Brunei).
As for the representatives form each society, we will be expecting the President, Vice President, Secretary and the Treasurer to attend, as we would like for you to present an overall scope of the running of your society.
Tentative details of the event are es follows:
Date: 26, 27 July 2011 (Tuesday, Wednesday)
Venue: Conference Hall, Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Complex (to be confirmed)
Time: 8.30am - 4.30pm
We are encouraging interaction and sharing of experience between societies, in order to bridge the gaps between newly founded societies and those which have been around long enough. In addition to that, this forum will allow issues to be raised to the attending officers from the Scholarship Unit, may it be anything. This will also be an opportunity for societies based in UK to interact with societies based elsewhere, which hopefully will lead towards joint venture events in the future. The Union will also be discussing a few issues that may directly or indirectly involve all societies, and it is crucial that we get your opinions on these matters.
So as for now, it would be helpful for us to know if you will be participating in the forum, and I cannot emphasise anymore the importance of your contribution to this forum. Lastly, once again I kindly seek your support towards the Union and I hope to see you at the event.
Best wishes,
Izzati Mohd Noor
Brunei Student Union 2010/11
The followings are the preliminary plans:
Anjuran Persatuan Penuntut-Penuntut Brunei di United Kingdom dan Ireland Utara (BSUnion)
Tarikh: 26 dan 27 Julai 2011
Jam: 9 pagi hingga 4.30 petang
Peserta: BSUnion
26 Persatuan Penuntut Brunei di United Kingdom
Persatuan-persatuan Penuntut-Penuntut Brunei dari institusi-institusi pengajian tinggi tempatan
Persatuan-persatuan Penuntut-Penuntut Brunei dari Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand dan Mesir
Hari Pertama 26 Julai 2011
9 pagi: Majlis Pembukaan Ringkas, dihadiri oleh pegawai-pegawai dari Unit Biasiswa Kementerian Pendidikan, Unit Penuntut-Penuntut Brunei di United Kingdom, para penaja dan tetamu-tetamu lain.
Penyerahan Tugas dari Komiti BSUnion 2010/11 kepada Komiti BSUnion 2011/12
10 pagi: Forum dimulakan dengan ringkasan aktiviti-aktiviti anjuran BSUnion 2010/11 diikuti dengan perancangan aktiviti-aktiviti bagi tahun 2011/12.
Ringkasan aktiviti oleh Persatuan-Persatuan dari Brunei, Australia, Malaysia dan Mesir bagi tahun akademik 2010/11 diikuti oleh perancangan bagi tahun 2011/12.
Ringkasan aktiviti oleh Persatuan-Persatuan dari United Kingdom bagi tahun akademik 2010/11 diikuti oleh perancangan bagi tahun 2011/12.
Hari Kedua 27 Julai 2011
9 pagi: Ringkasan aktiviti oleh Persatuan-Persatuan dari United Kingdom bagi tahun akademik 2010/11 diikuti oleh perancangan bagi tahun 2011/12.
3 petang: Majlis Penutup Ringkas, dihadiri oleh pegawai-pegawai dari Unit Biasiswa Kementerian Pendidikan, Unit Penuntut-Penuntut Brunei di United Kingdom, para penaja dan tetamu-tetamu lain.
Setiap persatuan akan diberikan masa selama 15 minit (termasuk 2 minit sesi soal-jawab) untuk membentangkan ringkasan masing-masing. BSUnion akan menyediakan rangka pembentangan bagi semua persatuan iaitu:
1. Ringkasan bagi aktiviti tahun 2010/11
2. Keterangan satu/dua aktiviti terbesar yang telah diadakan
3. Isu-isu yang dihadapi seperti masalah kewangan, dan sebagainya
4. Perancangan bagi tahun 2011/12
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
Salam everyone!
I hope everyone's knee deep in their revision! :) I just wanted to drop in and say goodluck to everyone who has yet to have sat for their exams. Try your hardest, as they always say; there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. (or something like that :p) Anyhoos, best of luck and I hope you are all looking forward to the Alton Towers trip! The event is up on facebook and all you need to do is click the attending button. ;)
Another thing that I need to add is the upcoming LufBru Summer games. Muai and I have posted up links in regards to the event. Please take note there are changes in the rules and regulations. So please be aware of the changes. :)
One more month till we touch down in Brunei people! Let's make it worth while and lets kick those exam papers' butts!
Once again, best of luck and that's all folks!
All the best,
Adibah Nazurah.
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Exam season
It's an exam season for Keele student here at Keele.I'm sure everyone is buzy studying in the library, in their room or someplace quiet.
Well,nevertheless, Brukeele wishes you guys Good luck and Do your best!!Going back to Brunei is just a few months away. So concentrate on your exam because your family is waiting for your return soon..
Don't forget your exam date.Keep it in mind always and don't be late on your exam. Be punctual and relax. Thats all and GOOD LUCK AGAIN!!
Well,nevertheless, Brukeele wishes you guys Good luck and Do your best!!Going back to Brunei is just a few months away. So concentrate on your exam because your family is waiting for your return soon..
Don't forget your exam date.Keep it in mind always and don't be late on your exam. Be punctual and relax. Thats all and GOOD LUCK AGAIN!!
Friday, 15 April 2011
BEG video
Video 1
Video 2
video 3
Video 4
Video 1
Video 2
Thanks to Emma for the netball video and Zirun for the football video.
Video 1
Video 2
video 3
Video 4
Video 1
Video 2
Thanks to Emma for the netball video and Zirun for the football video.
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
BEG on last april
First of all,congrates to all winners and to those who lost, don't lose hope. We can go for it again in next BEG.
The results are:
Netball(ST5): lost 6 games and 1 draw(not sure yet)
Football(brukeele): Made it to the quarter final
Badminton men's double(brukeele):lost in the preliminary round
Badminton mixed double 1(Brukeele 1): lost in the preliminary round
Badminton mixed double 2(Brukeele 2): won third place.
It was a tiring day for us which started at around 9am - 9pm. The pictures and video for the event will be uploaded soon.Be sure to check brukeele blog from time to time. Brukeele is still awesome. Cheers!!!
The results are:
Netball(ST5): lost 6 games and 1 draw(not sure yet)
Football(brukeele): Made it to the quarter final
Badminton men's double(brukeele):lost in the preliminary round
Badminton mixed double 1(Brukeele 1): lost in the preliminary round
Badminton mixed double 2(Brukeele 2): won third place.
It was a tiring day for us which started at around 9am - 9pm. The pictures and video for the event will be uploaded soon.Be sure to check brukeele blog from time to time. Brukeele is still awesome. Cheers!!!
Friday, 1 April 2011
BEG today!!
Hey Brukeele,
Our BEG game in Nottingham commences today.I'm sure everyone is overexcited yesterday and couldn't sleep well like what i felt as well. We got three sports to represent Brukeele : football, badminton and Netball. Good luck to everyone who are playing today. Hope Brukeele wins today.
This blog is updated at around 5.30 am.It's really early and i will post update about the sport/match soon.
So Brukeele, ARE YOU READY????
Our BEG game in Nottingham commences today.I'm sure everyone is overexcited yesterday and couldn't sleep well like what i felt as well. We got three sports to represent Brukeele : football, badminton and Netball. Good luck to everyone who are playing today. Hope Brukeele wins today.
This blog is updated at around 5.30 am.It's really early and i will post update about the sport/match soon.
So Brukeele, ARE YOU READY????
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Brukeele celebrating Brunei's National Day video
As promised here's the video of Brukeele celebrating Brunei's National day:
Brukeele singing Tekad kemerdekaan before starting the celebration.Thanks to Adibah Mateen for printing the lyrics and suggestion.
Hafiy,ex vice president of Brukeele announcing the new committee member for Brukeele.
One of the game held that night;Charades, title "menutuk Sotong".Thanks to Haadi and Afiq for organising the game.
Last but not least,Thanks to Izza Kader for recording the video.Brukeele is aweaweawesome!!
Brukeele singing Tekad kemerdekaan before starting the celebration.Thanks to Adibah Mateen for printing the lyrics and suggestion.
Hafiy,ex vice president of Brukeele announcing the new committee member for Brukeele.
One of the game held that night;Charades, title "menutuk Sotong".Thanks to Haadi and Afiq for organising the game.
Last but not least,Thanks to Izza Kader for recording the video.Brukeele is aweaweawesome!!
Brukeele Photoshoot
Monday, 7 March 2011
Brukeele photoshoot
First of all, sorry for the late update. I had a class test today and now I'm back to the blog.
To all BruKeele, we got a photoshoot this Wednesday:
Date: 9th March
Time: around 2.30pm
Venue: Keele Hall
Dress code: Formal
Our photographer will be Ain.
HOWEVER, if things do not seem to go well this Wednesday, the date might be postpone. Anyhow, wait for update from here or check Brukeele Facebook page from time to time.
Plus one more thing to say, somehow our National Day Celebration had caused damages to the wall of Barnes Social Space. So to everyone who attended the event are required to pay 3 pound each. The total payment is actually 120 pound but after the finance did some calculation, each person need to pay 3 pound only.
Please pay before 14th March to our finance officer Nadz Harris. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenient.
To all BruKeele, we got a photoshoot this Wednesday:
Date: 9th March
Time: around 2.30pm
Venue: Keele Hall
Dress code: Formal
Our photographer will be Ain.
HOWEVER, if things do not seem to go well this Wednesday, the date might be postpone. Anyhow, wait for update from here or check Brukeele Facebook page from time to time.
Plus one more thing to say, somehow our National Day Celebration had caused damages to the wall of Barnes Social Space. So to everyone who attended the event are required to pay 3 pound each. The total payment is actually 120 pound but after the finance did some calculation, each person need to pay 3 pound only.
Please pay before 14th March to our finance officer Nadz Harris. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenient.
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Kaya balik....
Jeng Jeng Jeng.......Especially to scholarship students,allowance for March is already out now.
What's next?
Spend it wisely and good luck in your spending.Here in UK,there's a lot of distraction, everything cost money.Brukeele wish you guys happy 1st March although it doesn't have any meaning.
Bye bye...
What's next?
Spend it wisely and good luck in your spending.Here in UK,there's a lot of distraction, everything cost money.Brukeele wish you guys happy 1st March although it doesn't have any meaning.
Bye bye...
Sunday, 27 February 2011
Brukeele celebrate Brunei's 27th National day
On the 26th February 2011 (Saturday), BruKeele celebrated Brunei's 27th National Day at 7pm at Barnes Social space. About 50 Bruneian were present at that time and thanks to those who came. And credit goes to Haadi Ahmad, Wazien Norhalim, Afiq Mahmud and Nadz Harris for organising the event.
The event started with the singing of Brunei's National anthem, followed by Doa Selamat and dinner. Not to mention, there was also singing a song of "Tekad Kemerdekaan", thanks to Adibah Mateen for printing the lyrics and suggestion.
Surprisingly another event was already planned after that, two games were organised that night.
First game (Charades):- Each person from a group act out a movie or song so that their team-mate can guess it and wins a point; although the rules had to change every round because most of the participants were supportive and can guess it swiftly. At the end of the game, Group 3 was declared the winner in which the group consists of Izza Kader, Atik, Farhan, Arif Hussin and Adib. Congratulation to them.
However after the game,some people went home but the second game still continued on. Thanks to those who stayed and willingly to play another game.
Second game, 'Like Chinese Whisper' game was held however it was a bit different. Instead of whispering, each person must act out anything that was written on a piece of paper to their teammate in front of them. And the person at the very front must guess what it is.
IT WAS A LOT OF FUN!! and quite a noisy night.It was awesome.
I forgot to mention, at that night, new election for Brukeele executive 2011 was held and the new appointed officers are:
President : Adibah Mateen
Vice President: Muhammad Zuhri Zulkifli
General Secretary: Muai
Public Relation: Farhan Hassan
Event coordinator: Afiq Mahamud and Arif Hussin
Finance secretary: Nadzirah Harris
Religious Officer: Haadi Ahmad and Munirah
IT officer : Ahmad Hadzirun
Congratulations to them!!and I hope that this kind of event is organise often in the future. Brukeele is awesome!!
The event started with the singing of Brunei's National anthem, followed by Doa Selamat and dinner. Not to mention, there was also singing a song of "Tekad Kemerdekaan", thanks to Adibah Mateen for printing the lyrics and suggestion.
Surprisingly another event was already planned after that, two games were organised that night.
First game (Charades):- Each person from a group act out a movie or song so that their team-mate can guess it and wins a point; although the rules had to change every round because most of the participants were supportive and can guess it swiftly. At the end of the game, Group 3 was declared the winner in which the group consists of Izza Kader, Atik, Farhan, Arif Hussin and Adib. Congratulation to them.
However after the game,some people went home but the second game still continued on. Thanks to those who stayed and willingly to play another game.
Second game, 'Like Chinese Whisper' game was held however it was a bit different. Instead of whispering, each person must act out anything that was written on a piece of paper to their teammate in front of them. And the person at the very front must guess what it is.
IT WAS A LOT OF FUN!! and quite a noisy night.It was awesome.
I forgot to mention, at that night, new election for Brukeele executive 2011 was held and the new appointed officers are:
President : Adibah Mateen
Vice President: Muhammad Zuhri Zulkifli
General Secretary: Muai
Public Relation: Farhan Hassan
Event coordinator: Afiq Mahamud and Arif Hussin
Finance secretary: Nadzirah Harris
Religious Officer: Haadi Ahmad and Munirah
IT officer : Ahmad Hadzirun
Congratulations to them!!and I hope that this kind of event is organise often in the future. Brukeele is awesome!!
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Happy 27th National day!!
Brukeele wish Happy 27th National Day to our Beloved country,Brunei Darussalam.
It's quite depressing and a bit disappointed that we're not in Brunei and aren't together with our family on such special day.However,we can just watch online or perhaps watch on a video sharing website like Youtube if anyone from Brunei upload a celebration video on the special day.

National day Slogan for this year : "Negaraku Brunei Darussalam"
Setelah sekian lama tidak menyanyi kan lagu kebangsaan, Here's the video of the song and it's lyric.
It's quite depressing and a bit disappointed that we're not in Brunei and aren't together with our family on such special day.However,we can just watch online or perhaps watch on a video sharing website like Youtube if anyone from Brunei upload a celebration video on the special day.
National day Slogan for this year : "Negaraku Brunei Darussalam"
Setelah sekian lama tidak menyanyi kan lagu kebangsaan, Here's the video of the song and it's lyric.
"Ya Allah Lanjutkan lah usia,
Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia,
Adil berdaulat menaungi nusa,
memimpin rakyat kekal bahagia,
hidup sentosa negara dan Sultan,
Ilahi Selamatkan Brunei Darussalam."
Adil berdaulat menaungi nusa,
memimpin rakyat kekal bahagia,
hidup sentosa negara dan Sultan,
Ilahi Selamatkan Brunei Darussalam."
Monday, 21 February 2011
Exam results!!
Monday, 14 February 2011
Response from the paintball owner..
Hey guys,we just got a response from the paintball guy last time to Haadi.Here it is:
"Dear Haadi,
Thank you for your comments. Both David and I enjoyed the day too. Everyone was so nice to us. Wish everyone well from us here at Unreal Paintball. Hope to see you all again soon.
Kind regards
Let's hope to play paintball again sometimes in the future.Go BRUKEELE!!
"Dear Haadi,
Thank you for your comments. Both David and I enjoyed the day too. Everyone was so nice to us. Wish everyone well from us here at Unreal Paintball. Hope to see you all again soon.
Kind regards
Let's hope to play paintball again sometimes in the future.Go BRUKEELE!!
Sunday, 13 February 2011
Awesome Paintball game on last saturday!!
On last saturday(12th feb 2011),1st paintball game for Brukeele was held.Despite the bruise and pain we got from it,It was fun and exciting game.It was muddy and adrenaline-pumping sport.
In case you people forgot,Here's what we did on that day:
People was divided into two team(red and blue) and fought each other in three game maps:
1.Rubber rampage(2 rounds):Each team needs to get to the opposite side of the map and capture opponent's flag while defending your own flag.Time limit 6 mins and 1st 4 mins for unlimited respawning.Won by blue team
2.Castle(2 round):Each team gets to be defending castle and attacking castle.No time limit.The fastest team to attack in a very fast time wins the game.Blue team won the game again in 8 min
3.Village(2 round):Each team gets to be defending and attacking an area.To win the game,attacking team must raise flag in the defending area.There's time limit but sorry i forgot.
However this time,Red team won the game giving them 10 points.
OVERALL:it's a draw 10-10.
And here's the picture on that day(sorry no picture of the match):

In case you people forgot,Here's what we did on that day:
People was divided into two team(red and blue) and fought each other in three game maps:
1.Rubber rampage(2 rounds):Each team needs to get to the opposite side of the map and capture opponent's flag while defending your own flag.Time limit 6 mins and 1st 4 mins for unlimited respawning.Won by blue team
2.Castle(2 round):Each team gets to be defending castle and attacking castle.No time limit.The fastest team to attack in a very fast time wins the game.Blue team won the game again in 8 min
3.Village(2 round):Each team gets to be defending and attacking an area.To win the game,attacking team must raise flag in the defending area.There's time limit but sorry i forgot.
However this time,Red team won the game giving them 10 points.
OVERALL:it's a draw 10-10.
And here's the picture on that day(sorry no picture of the match):
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
BSU latest news
- The BSUnion is planning an Umrah trip in the upcoming Easter holidays. The trip will be led by the religious officer from the UPP (Ustaz).
More information and to register: - BruNotts will be opening up registration for its upcoming annual Easter Games. Registration will open on the 14th of February.
More information and to register: - BruLeics is thinking of holding a Fashion Show event sometime in March. They are currently running a poll to gauge interest in the event.
More information and to vote:
Taken from BSUnion...
Thursday, 3 February 2011
BruKeele Paintball
Hello BruKeele, There will be a paintball event next Saturday, 12th February 2011, especially for all BruKeele members (you may bring some friends if you want - just inform us early, thanks). Time open and close: 9.15 am - 4 pm. Time if we're playing half-day: 9.15 am - 1 pm. Further information (email sent by their Director):- We would be happy to host your paintballing event from Keele. We already work with your paintballing society and I would be happy to offer the same favourable terms that we give the society - details as follows. £10 game fee (You would need to collect this in advance of the day of play) and either pay buy card, drop the money at the site or we could arrange for collection at the KPA. This would then secure your booking and would include all game fees, equipment hire, lunch and complementary tea and coffee thought-out the day. We always sell Keele players additional paintballs at £5 for 100 balls after they have purchased the bag of paintballs (500 balls at £25). Players use between 500 and 800 paintballs per day at most sites in the country. We have packages for half a day as follows: 300 balls £20 400 balls £25 This package structure is as follows - £10 day fee with 100 balls given as a replacement for lunch, 200 or 300 further balls at £5 per 100 making a total of 300 or 400 paintballs. These packages are paid for at the time of booking. As you can see it is far better to get 300 paintballs for £20 than 200 for £17. Your £35 deal for 500 paintballs is broken down as follows: A whole days game play £10 including lunch, equipment hire, up to 12 games and free tea and coffee all day, plus 500 paintballs. Thereafter paintballs are discretely sold to your group only at £5 per 100 instead of £7. All I ask is that your party come discreetly to the office to buy their paint when other clients are also buying paint. Please give me a call if you need to discuss any further. Warmest regards, John Green Director Summary:- Price (two sets): Set A - £35 for full day, with lunch break (extra 100 pallets £5.00) - £10 deposit, and £25 on the day itself. Set B - £20 for half day w/o lunch break (300 pallets, 6 games) - need to pay £20 in advance. What does it include - coveralls, protection, semi-auto gun, battle pack. How many games we're going to play - 12 (full-day), 6 (half-day). What to wear - clothes that you don't want to ruin; simple clothes, sport shoes. Are we going to play against other people???? - As long as there are more than 16 of us, paying for Set A, then the answer is NO. If some are paying for Set A, then we may have to play with other people (like less than 10 other people). OR, we can play with the Keele University Paintball society, we just need to pay £27 (500 pallets with lunch break and kits) on 13th February, Sunday, from 9-5pm... Transportation and price: £20 one way; mini van (8 passengers) would cost each £5 for going and returning. Paintball site - Location: Lunch break: if we're playing a full day session, they were already informed of serving Halal/vegetarian food ONLY. Timing:- 8.40 am to 9 am : meet up at SU and off we go 9.30 am to 4 pm : paintball and lunch break in the mid-day 4.00 pm+ : returning back to Keele (Half-day) Timing:- 8.40 am to 9 am : meet up at SU and off we go 9.30 am to 1 pm+ : paintball 1 pm+ : returning back to Keele Last but not least, in order for this event to be a successful one, we would like, if possible, for as many BruKeele members to join. Please invite other BruKeele members who aren't on the list. Thank you for your time. p/s: PLEASE read carefully as once you're signed up, you can't back off; please decide which set you want as soon as possible. And do give suggestions or any other idea =D |
Monday, 31 January 2011
Allowance Is Out =)
Just a brief information, to all Brunei Government Scholarship students, alhamdulillah the allowance for February is officially out today, 1 February 2011. Spend your money wisely and be successful. Sekian dahulu laporan dari Jabatan Kewangan hehe.
Monday, 24 January 2011
2nd semester starts today
Brukeele wishes everyone all the best for the start of the 2nd semester.Holiday has ended,so is exam and it's time to fill up that brain with knowledges now.
Study hard and there are 5 months left before the end of this year study.Some of you can't wait to get back to Brunei.
I'm sure everyone misses Brunei.

Good luck everyone and see you guys around the campus.Cheers!!
Study hard and there are 5 months left before the end of this year study.Some of you can't wait to get back to Brunei.
I'm sure everyone misses Brunei.

Good luck everyone and see you guys around the campus.Cheers!!
Saturday, 22 January 2011
CS and FIFA 11 was a success
The event(on 21/01/11) was considered success.
Thanks to Mohd Azhar(Brukeele president) and Mohd Hafiy(ex-Brukeele vice-president) for organising the FIFA 11 game night.And thanks to people who brought their own PC which also made the CS night went smoothly.
Here are the pictures of the event:
Thanks to Zudin and Wazien for helping organising table,etc.
Last but not least, thanks to everyone who came to the event.Without you guys, the event won't run smoothly.Be sure to come to the next event.Brukeele ROCKS!!!
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