In case you people forgot,Here's what we did on that day:
People was divided into two team(red and blue) and fought each other in three game maps:
1.Rubber rampage(2 rounds):Each team needs to get to the opposite side of the map and capture opponent's flag while defending your own flag.Time limit 6 mins and 1st 4 mins for unlimited respawning.Won by blue team
2.Castle(2 round):Each team gets to be defending castle and attacking castle.No time limit.The fastest team to attack in a very fast time wins the game.Blue team won the game again in 8 min
3.Village(2 round):Each team gets to be defending and attacking an area.To win the game,attacking team must raise flag in the defending area.There's time limit but sorry i forgot.
However this time,Red team won the game giving them 10 points.
OVERALL:it's a draw 10-10.
And here's the picture on that day(sorry no picture of the match):
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